Cost: 20 FLUX, See explanation:
Soul Caging is a complicated ability which requires great concentration (CONC). The following is an explanation of how it is performed: The Ebon sees into the victim's mind. It is usually pictured as a surreal setting, a chamber or corridor lined with doors that lead to memories, feelings and fears. Many of these emotional doors are open, though most usually remain closed. The Ebon can change the victim's way of thinking by filling or cleaning out these rooms, although it is dangerous and sometimes a terrifying prospect especially when dealing with the insane whose corridors vary in style and design from person to person. A lot of information can be ascertained simply from the style of hall-way that leads to the victim's deepest thoughts and feelings. To change past events, the Ebon must enter the door to that time of memory and relive and change it, but be warned- the Ebon must be fast. They have twenty minutes to return from the victim's mind or be trapped there. The victim will arise, possibly changed, but the Ebon will be a vegetable. In this event, any friends must seek another Soul Cager to enter the victim and lead the trapped Ebon out, however, battling Soul Cagers can aim to lock each other in, using the appropriate doors. Guns, blades and Ebb equipment are useless in here. The Ebon must use will, cunning and psychological skill to change and alter the victim's mind whilst they lie in stasis or sleep. Some minds are difficult to change, especially with the deeply scarred and extreme, deep rooted psychotics like Hallowe' en Jack whose mind holds many old Soul Cagers. The doors and passageways come in many shapes and forms, sometimes alleyways, cathedrals, parks or even wild, elaborate tunnels. To enter the main doorway to the victim's mind requires a CONC roll -5 and the Ebon must spend 20 FLUX or else they are thrown from the mind. As long as the Ebon is out within twenty minutes then no further complications will arise. Most of the Soul Caging process is at the Games Master's discretion as it takes some time to accomplish.