Within 10m, Standard weight 1 kg at 12m /round, weight is inversely proportional to speed, Cost is equal to rank. Cost 1 FLUX.
This ability allows the Ebon to move an object, within a 10m sphere of influence, weighing 1kg at a speed of 12ml round. The velocity that they may move the object is determined by their rank. The weight of the object they can influence is inversely proportional to the velocity. If they wish to increase the weight, they must decrease the velocity by the same factor. The duration is the user's CONC in seconds and they cannot move a weight that is not possible for them to move with their own physical strength. It is possible to accelerate the object by adding velocity (speed) every round it is travelling. This costs no FLUX and is at the player's discretion. For example, an Ebon wishes to move a 1kg object at 12m/round. If a further round of acceleration occurs, the new speed will be 24m/ round. If the Ebon, however, wishes to move an object of 2kg, then the speed is halved to 6m/round.
Free Ability: Move small objects weighing up to 10g. Maximum distance 1m, slowly.